who are we?
Philadelphia’s Cambodian Immigrant and Refugee population developed in the 1980s as refugees settled here in the wake of the Cambodian Civil War but Philadelphia has a long history of accepting refugees and immigrants. The city has thrived because of the number of different immigrant populations who have settled here. Much of Philadelphia’s character and vibrancy is owed to generation after generation of immigrants finding a home in this city. In return for the economic and cultural benefits that immigrants provide Philadelphia, the city owes it to these populations to provide assistance in navigating our local, state, and federal systems.
KITHS mission is to connect immigrants and refugees with accessing and utilizing resources vital to their livelihood. KITHS advocates for the strengthening of the immigrant and refugee communities by providing opportunities for skill building that promotes self-sufficiency.
KITHS provides face to face encounters (as needed), telephonic support, in-office assistance, interpretation/language access needs, and many more.
KITHS hope to break the cycle of generational poverty among immigrants and refugees (especially among Cambodian immigrants and refugees) by supporting their healing and promoting economic development.
KITHS vision is to support immigrants and refugees with sustaining self-sufficiency by creating opportunities that fosters independence, growth, healing, and development. As a result, immigrants and refugees residing in Philadelphia may:
Enhance leadership skills
Improve health and wellness
Become more economically self-sufficient
Community Wellness & Healing Program
Resource Coordination (Health access/education, Economic support, etc.)
Community Outreach Program (Special Projects)
Voter registration & civic engagement
COVID-19 prevention & response
Anti-Asian hate response
Earned income tax support
Access to health screenings & reproductive care
Community Development & Connections Program
KITHS Kitchen (emergency pantry and garden)
Khmer Language Access Support Services (KLASS)
From Genocide to Tableside (an intimate group conversation series)
Coffee & Conversations (a socialization group for older adults)
Community Corner (an on-line resource about resources)